Nathan Crooker is an accomplished filmmaker and screenwriter who helms from Leominster, Massachusetts. He first gained recognition in the film industry as a Director of Photography on various documentaries including the critically acclaimed "Holy Wars" directed by Smuggler Films’ Stephen Marshall. Filmed in the heart of the Middle East and Southeast Asia, “Holy Wars” allowed Nathan to marry his passion for film, impactful human stories and adventure-driven travel.
Nathan has since developed an extensive career as a film, branded content and music video director with a vision that spans all styles and genres, reflecting his wide-ranging interests. His prolific collection of work includes high profile clients such as Facebook, J.P. Morgan Chase, GQ, New Balance, Nabisco, RCA Records and Epic Records.
Well-versed in social-first campaigns, Nathan’s expertise lies in creating equally compelling videos for long-form and short-form content. He is also a seasoned cinematographer, editor and producer.
Additionally, Nathan’s short films has been receiving accolades globally. In 2018, Midnight Delivery, which he directed, wrote and produced, was the Official Selection in over 30 film festivals and won “Best Scare” in the Fantosfreak Film Festival.
He also premiered at Festival de Cannes in 2017 with his thought-provoking sci-fi drama titled Consciousness.
In 2015 Nathan’s horror short film, Playback went viral with over 500,000 views in just two days. Shot in one-take, Playback won for Best Thriller at Fargo Fantastic Fest 2015 and has been an Official Selection at festivals across the country and the globe, including the Academy Award qualifying Nashville Film Festival.
Commercial representation: Greencard Pictures
Managed by: Circle of Confusion